Τετάρτη 1 Αυγούστου 2012

Countable or not countable nouns.

grammar notes 

Countable  or Noncountable ?

The main difference between count and noncount nouns is whether you can count the things they refer to or not. 

Count nouns refer to things that exist as separate and distinct individual units. They usually refer to what can be perceived by the senses. 
ex. table, chair word 

Noncount nouns refer to things that can't be counted because they are thought of as wholes that can't be cut into parts. They often refer to abstractions and occasionally have a collective meaning (for example, furniture). 
ex: weather, furniture, warmth 

REMEMBER: One of the main differences in usage between the two types of nouns is that countable nouns CAN be counted - "Two apples, three beds" but non-countable nouns CANNOT be counted - two pieces of furniture (NOT "two furnitures"!) 

Is the noun countable or uncountable?

The first step is to determine whether the noun is countable or uncountable. You can use a dictionary to check this.
Countable nouns can be either singular or plural
  • computer / computers
  • idea / ideas
  • information medium / information media
  • computer can be used for the simulation
  • The students had several ideas for the project
  • Each group must choose one information medium for the project
  • Most engineers use computers nowadays
Uncountable nouns appear only in the singular form
  • information (not informations)
  • knowledge (not knowledges)
  • research (not researches)
  • The Internet gives people access to information.
  • The aim of the project is to gain knowledge about Global Positioning Systems.
  • The information I found on the Internet was very useful.
  • There seems to be a lot of research on the topic.



1 . I went to the tourist office to get _____ information. 
a. a few
b. a little

2 . Kids today spend so _____ time on the internet!
a. much
b. many

3 . He has a good job and makes a large _____ of money.
a. amount
b. number

4 . Hurry up! I don't have _____ time! 
a. much
b. many

5 . I only know _____ people in this city. 
a. a little
b. a few

6 . Mary always tells me that she wants to have _____ children. 
a. much
b. many

7 . There are _____ things that I want to say to you.
a. so many
b. so much

8 . I would like _____ time to think about this.
a. a little
b. a few


1 . I have to buy a lot of _____ for my new apartment. 
a. furniture
b. furnitures

2 . He brought up a lot of interesting _____ during the lecture.
a. point
b. points

3 . After the party, there was a lot of _____.
a. garbage
b. garbages

4 . Thank you so much for all the _____! 
a. applause
b. applauses

5 . Your _____ are due on September 15th. 
a. essay
b. essays

6 . I went to the market and bought a lot of _____. 
a. fruit
b. fruits

7 . There are so many different type of _____ in the world. 
a. people
b. peoples

8 . He has one of the most expensive _____ on the market.
a. computer
b. computers

9 . I have to cut my _____ today. 
a. hair
b. hairs

10 . I can't stand the _____ in this city. 
a. traffic
b. traffics


1 . What kind of _____ do you want to talk about? 
a. thing
b. things

2 . What kind of _____ would you like me to buy?
a. milk
b. milks

3 . I ate many kinds of _____ yesterday.
a. cheese
b. cheeses

4 . Do you have some _____ for me? 
a. information
b. informations

5 . I had many horrifying _____ during my travels in Haiti. 
a. experience
b. experiences

6 . Do you know all the _____ of the world? 
a. capital
b. capitals

7 . He had a lot of _____ in him. 
a. anger
b. angers

8 . P1: What did you buy? P2: I bought some _____.
a. orange
b. oranges

9 . I have to buy some apples and some _____. 
a. rice
b. rices

10 . I left my _____ at the airport. 
a. luggage
b. luggages


1 . I have _____ courage than you. 
a. less
b. fewer

2 . He doesn't have _____ strength.
a. much
b. many

3 . _____ of the new immigrants to Los Angeles come from Mexico.
a. Many
b. Much

4 . There is _____ immigration to Canada now than there used to be. 
a. less
b. fewer

5 . I only know _____ people in this city. 
a. a little
b. a few

6 . Hey! I asked for _____ donut and you gave me a muffin! 
a. a
b. some

7 . In the past month, we have noticed _____ progress in your ability to speak.
a. many
b. much

8 . He left _____ of his clothing at his girlfriend's house.
a. some
b. a couple

9 . Wow, there's so _____ grass in your yard! 
a. much
b. many

10 . _____ of the students come from abroad. 
a. Much
b. Many

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